About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the College of Mathematics and Computer Science at Fuzhou University. I obtained my Ph.D. from Yuan Ze University in 2020, working with Dr. Bo-Hao Chen. I study computer vision, deep learning, and machine learning with the goal of applying academic competence and programming skills to devise a better problem-solving method for challenging tasks. I have closely collarborated with Dr. Yan-Tsung Peng in National Chengchi University, Taiwan, and Dr. Chung-Chi Tsai in Qualcomm Technologies Inc., USA, from 2019. I obtained my M.S. and B.E. from Fuzhou University, under the supervision of Dr. Ying Li.



[Code] Tensorflow implementation for the prior-guided image fusion network.
[Paper] My work on prior-guided image fusion network has been accpeted to ICME 2020.
[Paper] My work on driving assistant system has been accepted to IEEE TITS.
[Award] The proposed image denosing system won the Gold Medal Award in 2019 Taiwan Innotech Expo Invention Contest.